Adding Your Hallmark To Pictures?

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

What is the best method to hallmark your pictures? (im guessing the best would be to prtint your name across it).

Anyone know a good way to do it without messing up the picture?

*giggles* I think you mean a watermark mate :p

It all depends on what software you have. If you have any form of Photoshop, Google throws up a gazillion easy tutorials. :)

It depends how worried you are about people stealing your picture. But one thing to remember -- at the end of the day, if your picture is up on the net and somebody really wants to use it, they will.

Generally to watermark an image you can just put your name/website address over it somewhere. Make the text easy to read, then lower the opacity so it doesnt detract from the image. Easy! If you're especially worried about people nicking it, then make the watermark cover more of the image -- it will make it harder for people to remove.
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A good idea is to set the layer to overlay, this will drop the contrast in the right places so its there, but not enough to be such a big impact on the picture :)
Even if you keep all your work in a lead safe buried 100 metres underneath some iron ore, it will still get ripped by someone if they really want to. Best thing to do is be vigilant, copyright and datestamp all your work. Then, if and when you come across an image of yours that has been stolen, you'll have enough evidence to prove it's yours and report them to the appropriate people.
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