addy_010 needs you, to review his site

12 Feb 2006

my site for my will be cleaning company. Can you please review it baring in mind, this is my second site, and that my gf had too much influence on the colour scheme. Still in the works obvsiouly by the missing pages and that the forms don't actually do anything. Will need help on the php for that though but not yet.

So what you think, anything not look right?

can someone tell me how i'd make the header image a hyperlink to the home.html page in css? tried what i'd do on the html page but it didn't work

forgot some stuff im stuck with.
How do i get the bulletpoints on about us page to be slightly to the right so that they are inside the wrapper? i tried doing this in CSS and it worked but then it chasnged the nav bar as they are <ul> aswell
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The main body of text doesn't look right. I don't think you should have it flush to the left. It'll probably look better centered.

I don't like the navigation either. I'd have the same sized width for each link.
fozzybear said:
The main body of text doesn't look right. I don't think you should have it flush to the left. It'll probably look better centered.

I don't like the navigation either. I'd have the same sized width for each link.

forgot to say that on the right there will be some stuff going there.

Is it just what you said about the body text that you don't like or is there anything else that you thnik could be changed about it? im assuming this is just the homepage we are talking about?

How would i make the nav bar buttons the same width?
addy_010 said:
yeah as there will be stuff to the right, well may be.

guessing people dont like it?

why did that image have a white area aorund it and a yellow circle?

The way I took the screenshot - don't worry :)

I think the site has potential...

I don't like how the buttons don't appear to close at the bottom (border).

And the green title and blue created by doens't fit the rest of the site...
can anyone reccomend somewhere i can host this site for not too much and will give me what i would need for this site. i need to registar the domain name so i can then send out the leaflets
addy_010 said:
no in another thread he helped me out and showed me an example of how his is done, which i thought looked really impressive and easyily done so i made noe for myslef. Hope that was ok merkel?

er, lol????????

EDIT: btw, center the body text, it looks awful stuck to the left.
addy_010 said:
no in another thread he helped me out and showed me an example of how his is done, which i thought looked really impressive and easyily done so i made noe for myslef. Hope that was ok merkel?

Yeah no problem :)
suarve said:
er, lol????????

EDIT: btw, center the body text, it looks awful stuck to the left.

As already stated, the part to the right is for content too. So it doesn't look correct at the moment, but once it has content. I would imagine it looks complete.
ok i have changed some stuff, like put the about us on the homepage and an FAQ, what do people think of the change? it got rid of the green writing.

im stuck with the php as i have no clue on what i need to do. i'd really appreciate if someone could explani this to me, just the basics, not the code. at the moment its told to send the forms to a php file, but from there on what do i do?

im still stuck on how i'd make the bulletpoints not be off the page?
addy_010 said:
im still stuck on how i'd make the bulletpoints not be off the page?

If I were you i'd do the following.......

In the HTML change
<div class="postinfo"><h2>About Us</h2></div>
<div id="postinfo"><h2>About Us</h2></div>

then in the CSS

.postinfo {
#postinfo {
then you can style the trouble-some list with the following code
#postinfo ul{

Simple eh? :confused:
MTA99 said:
1.) Why tell him to change a semantically correct class reference to an id? The .postinfo element is utilised more than once on (certain) pages as it is, so why change it to an id?

2.) The .postinfo element is redundant anyway. Why create a separate element to place a header in when all the styles applied to the containing element can be applied to the header itself?

3.) It would be far easier, not to mention cleaner, to apply a universal style to all unordered lists within the #content div, or possibly apply margin styling to the aforementioned #content div

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