ADLS Causing buzz..

30 Nov 2002
My dads ADSL connection is causing an audible buzz on his telephone line.

He is using Tiscali and the modem is a USB Speedtouch.

Any thoughts on what could be causing it please?
Burbleflop said:
Sounds like a filtering problem. Are all the phones (irrespective of where the ADSL modem is plugged into) filtered? Try changing the filter that this particular phone is plugged into.

He's tried filters, he said all phones are filtered and in fact he's spoken to a company who specialises in them and tried a selection of high quality ones.
Skilldibop said:
WEll if the filters are ok its either the modem is bjorked and is sending too low frequencies that the filter isn't filtering properly OR it's not the modem causing the buzzing. Are his phones wireless by any chance?
He does have one wireless phone but I'm 99% sure it happens on all phones.

Only started when he got ADSL of course... Wouldn't surprise me if it's the ADSL modem.. I use Cable tho so can't try mine :/
BT aren't any use :/

He said there doesn't appear to be any power adapters close to filters. His PC ones are 1m or so from the nearest.
csmager said:
Maybe to partially rule out a BT line fault, turn off and unplug the ADSL modem - see if the buzzing goes away.
Simply rebooting the PC causes it to go away ( until the PC has finished rebooting ).
Thanks - I'll let him know. Could be the modem too of course I assume. Certainly sounds like a problem inside the house doesn't it?
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