Adobe After Effects users - advice.

21 Oct 2004
Los Angeles
Hey guys,

I've just got myself a copy of Adobe After effects pro and I need some help getting started with it.

I've been looking for basic tutorials but they're very hard to come by, so I was wondering if anybody on here has used it before and knows the basics?

It is such a complex and powerful program that the basics are a little more complicated than a lot of programs.

Also, what the basics are really depend on what you are hoping to do with it.

There are loads of online tutorials on After Effects. If you want understand the basica functions just get yourself a cheapish Visual Quickstart series book on After Effects.

Your main obstacle with After Effects is creativity. In order to learn after effects full potential you need different types of medium e.g video, sound, text, animation etc.

I personally think, if you want to get the best/usefulness out of After Effects you need some basic knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator or Flash and 3D Graphics.

If you just plan to shoot video and output it compressed then you can use any video production software. After effects is basically Beefed Up Photoshop.

One of my module's this year is to use After Effects to produce digital video on evolution theme.
I ain't had much time to play with After Effects, but will do from this Weekend as my coursework is due on the 17th Nov. eek!!
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I'm fine with Photoshop, no problems there - I basically just want to know what I can do with the program.

You say there's many tutorials, can you post any that you feel would be appropriate to a beginner to this app?
Jeez, seems far too complicated.

I'll stick to just shooting and editing my videos for now, special effects can come later.
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