Adobe buys Raw Shooter

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
Well I guess that's that. Adobe have bought the Rawshooter Engine to use in Lightroom and other Adobe products. I guess that's a firm yes by Adobe that RS was the better engine.

In a brief statement Adobe has announced that it has purchased the 'technology assets' of Pixmantec, the Danish company behind the RawShooter raw workflow and conversion application. Adobe states that this acquisition "strengthens Adobe's leadership position in raw processing" and that that Pixmantec's raw processing technology will be integrated into Lightroom and other Adobe products. RawShooter Premium will be discontinued although the Essential edition will continue to be available and support for existing RawShooter customers will be available from Adobe.
TomWilko said:
Newsflash: Danish software developers seen on a very expensive yacht on a very exotic island spending lots of money ;)

Think they'll be happy at that buyout, the integration may prove to be a good thing for all.

However without competition Adobe can just sit back and not worry. Its competition that fuels innovation. Lightroom wouldn't have appeared if it wasn't for programs like RSE/Apreture.
growse said:
What's the deal with RSE? I go through some ridiculous process on their website to "register", then I get emailed a product key but no download details, so then I go back to download the trial and install that. Then it asks for my details again and then "times out" when it tries to register me. So now I've got an annoying wait every time I open the program as it times out connecting to some mysterious place.

This is free right? And it's meant to be good?

IMHO the product is good. Been a while since I used the site though.
mrk said:
I'm uninstalling it, I don't like the interface, too much fluff and not enough power compared to RSE :/

Oh well, guess I will await the next ACR release with new RSE engine and use RSE until then. is what it's like, 1024x768 because of remote desktop via work but you get the idea

Wow it looks just like the OSX beta thats been out for months :p There's 2 great features it has over Aperture. You can save preset edits and you can dim the lights so that the interface dims around the picture.


Aside from that, I don't really like it. Its quicker than Aperture but just not as nice to use. I'm currently trying out Capture 1 Pro to see if thats any good.
Shimmyhill said:
I'm not a fan of lightroom either, do you use Aperture then cyKey ? Currently i am moving to it as i prefer it to bibble, lightroom and adobe raw. One think thar irks me is the lack of raw files on the hdd. Unless im missing something everything is in the library file unless you export a jpg/psd/tif etc.

As a Mac user im interested in your findings - Aperture so far for me.

Today I decided to give Capture 1 Pro a quick run. I didn't like it. Its "auto adjust" feature adjusts the levels and leaves images very noisy compared to Aperture. Aperture can be sluggish and slow when adding photos but if you wait its then fine to run. Its still not *as* smooth as RawShooter, which is a real shame. Its a far better package than Rawshooter just not as quick.
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