Adobe Creative Cloud and frontend web development

1 Nov 2007
I've been a backend web developer for a few years now, and I feel that I am somewhat comfortable with this position, but I've never really tried to do any frontend development. I know the basics of CSS and JavaScript and also know HTML but what I need is a way to make graphics to use on the frontend. I want to make SVG graphics as much as possible so Adobe Illustrator is the program that sprung immediately to mind, but I might also need Photoshop as well to plan designs and create other non-vector graphics.

Is Adobe Creative Cloud the best thing to get for this or are there any alternatives? For the record, I know about GIMP and Inkscape, but they do not match my requirements since the available documentation is nowhere near as good as for Adobe Creative Cloud. Plus there are some books which I could buy to teach myself Illustrator and Photoshop.
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