Adobe Creative Cloud

5 Nov 2010
You Adobe users heard of this yet?

Basically from March this year Adobe will stop doing the boxed software and from 2014 onwards it's Adobe Creative Cloud for future software on subscription based agreement only.

Just been talking to Adobe today via our re-sellers at work. We're not signing up until we have to because at the moment it's the entire Master Collection or nothing, ok it's got a cheap introductory offer at the moment but will increase next year and they can't confirm exactly how you can tailor it to your needs next year.

So yeah, heads up.
Guess they've got fed up with the piracy rates.

A lot of software seems to be switching to subscription based cloud services, I'm not sure if it works out better for the consumer or not.

At least with software paid for upfront they can't disable access but with this I'm guessing that if you stopped paying the subscription you are left with nothing?
Can't say I'm too happy about this :/ my uncle used the cs suite until cs5 was released (how long was that?) I'm guessing a subscription service would result in higher costs for the majority who don't feel the need for the latest software all the time
Can't say I'm too happy about this :/ my uncle used the cs suite until cs5 was released (how long was that?) I'm guessing a subscription service would result in higher costs for the majority who don't feel the need for the latest software all the time

I was told that next year you can subscribe to only the applications you want/need instead of the whole suit and that you have a choice whether to upgrade versions or not.
But yeah, at the moment it seems that if you subscribe to CS7 and CS8 comes out but you just want to keep using CS7, you continue paying. Maybe at a cheaper rate? I don't know and the rep i was speaking to didn't know either.
But yeah, at the moment it seems that if you subscribe to CS7 and CS8 comes out but you just want to keep using CS7, you continue paying. Maybe at a cheaper rate? I don't know and the rep i was speaking to didn't know either.

You will always use the latest software on the cloud sub. I'm not sure if its auto updated, or you have a choice to refuse. You still pay the same sub no matter what. So it makes sense to just accept the download for the newer version.
You will always use the latest software on the cloud sub. I'm not sure if its auto updated, or you have a choice to refuse. You still pay the same sub no matter what. So it makes sense to just accept the download for the newer version.

No you wont. You have access to the latest but you don't have to upgrade to it, it won't automatically upgrade your installations.
I raised this with them as we have clients that use ancient versions of CS and have had compatibility issues. Their response was that although you will have access to the latest software, you choose if and when you want to use/upgrade it.

As for the sub, the price continues the same, for now. But when the ability to tailor make your subscription happens comes in to play, they couldn't comment on what happens on pricing when you don't upgrade to the latest.
My guess is, you pay the same whether you upgrade or not but you'll have the ability to only subscribe to the applications you use.
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