Adobe CS4 on OS X Lion

2 Jan 2011
My 2007 MBP is slowing dying/not handling what I am throwing at it.

I am considering getting a MBP from the Apple Refurb store in the coming months. My current MBP is still running Snow Leopard, I chose not to upgrade to Lion. Now the software I mainly run is the Adobe CS4 Suite.

With the MBP I want to get I do want to install Lion seeing as it has been out for some time now so bugs have been fixed, etc.

Has anyone here had any problems running CS4 on Lion? Upon some Google searches it seems a lot of problems came up when Lion first came out but I am curious as to how it is running now.

Any help is much appreciated :)
If you buy from the refurb store in a few months the likelihood is that you will get one with ML on.

The thing to bear in mind is that you wont be able to install an older OS onto it, or if you do it will introduce a whole heap of fun with stuff not working.

Have you got any apps that will require the older architecture or Rosetta to be installed at least? If you have anything that doesnt work in Lion the ML won't likely be any more compatible I wouldn't have thought.
I rolled back to SL from Lion, quite a few reasons I couldn't get on with it. If you're legit cs4 adobe have a great deal to upgrade to cs6 for a monthly 30quid sub. Speed benefits on newer machines are excellent in cs6.
If you buy from the refurb store in a few months the likelihood is that you will get one with ML on.

The thing to bear in mind is that you wont be able to install an older OS onto it, or if you do it will introduce a whole heap of fun with stuff not working.

Have you got any apps that will require the older architecture or Rosetta to be installed at least? If you have anything that doesnt work in Lion the ML won't likely be any more compatible I wouldn't have thought.

Why would installing an older OS like Snow Leopard be a problem?
If the computer ships with a certain release of OS X then by and large you can't install an older version. There's the odd exception, but it tends to be for a machine that's been refreshed with a faster CPU rather than a new CPU architecture/chipset. (eg Late 2011 MBP 15" which came with 10.7 is the same logic board as the Early 2011 that came with 10.6.7).

Essentially the driver support isn't there and they will not be made available by Apple.
If the computer ships with a certain release of OS X then by and large you can't install an older version. There's the odd exception, but it tends to be for a machine that's been refreshed with a faster CPU rather than a new CPU architecture/chipset. (eg Late 2011 MBP 15" which came with 10.7 is the same logic board as the Early 2011 that came with 10.6.7).

Essentially the driver support isn't there and they will not be made available by Apple.

Ahh ok I wasn't aware of that so thanks for letting me know, I just hope by the time I get a new MBP a lot of my apps are refreshed to work with ML.
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