Adobe Forms alternative

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

My wife works for a small company that has had 1 website rebuilt and is now looking for it's main one to be redone by the same woman.

They are going to have forms on there and my wife mentioned having to pay adobe X amount for them which I thought was odd. Anyway, I found them:*9Sm5uoU7BO2eSqL40EzQ#

Would any of you use this method? Any benefits to it?

I'd have hard coded it then either set it to email their relevant dept or save to a database. I'm not sure if this was chosen for printing alone but surely there is cheaper/free options out there?
That would be very easy to set up with php/sql to save to a database as you suggest. I don't know if the Adobe forms give you any other features, but I don't know what else you would need.
Yeah that's what I was thinking, going to see what I can come up with and look into making a custom print template for it, not something I have done before!
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