ADSL Max - Training Day 1 report...

27 Aug 2003
The BT Checker reported that my line would support "above 5.0Mbps". My Max service with Nildram went live this morning with the following stats:


The line is currently capped at 2Mbps.

The noise margin initially came in at 7db but has now "stabilised" at 3db. This seems very low but I haven't noticed any interruptions in service.

What are the implications for when BT try to ramp the speeds up?
With a noise margin like that you may find you drop sync a couple of times in the evening. BT lifting the 2mbps BRAS cap shouldn't affect the sync speed at all and can be expected to be lifted within 3days or so.
Phil99 said:
With a noise margin like that you may find you drop sync a couple of times in the evening. BT lifting the 2mbps BRAS cap shouldn't affect the sync speed at all and can be expected to be lifted within 3days or so.

modems can handle 3db, so 7db will sometimes be 100% stable - it depends on the db of the noise the line will/might recieve.
What speed?

Everyone's line will be borderline on MaxDSL by default (target SNR of 6dB) so there's not really much you can determine from line stats. In theory you'll only have a problem with a MaxDSL line if the SNR fluctuates which could cause a loss of sync if it gets too low.
Phil99 said:
What speed?

Everyone's line will be borderline on MaxDSL by default (target SNR of 6dB) so there's not really much you can determine from line stats. In theory you'll only have a problem with a MaxDSL line if the SNR fluctuates which could cause a loss of sync if it gets too low.

2mb. target SNR of 6dB ?? mines 37 isnt it ?
I read those figures the wrong way round, I thought the SNR was 6dB and attenuation was 37dB. Do you live in the exchange or something :eek:

I'd be very surprised if that didn't get a stable 8meg connection on MaxDSL.
Phil99 said:
I read those figures the wrong way round, I thought the SNR was 6dB and attenuation was 37dB. Do you live in the exchange or something :eek:

I'd be very surprised if that didn't get a stable 8meg connection on MaxDSL.

yea exchange is at the bottom of the garden :p

so whats a good figure for the SNR and ATTENUATION? i dont understand what they are/do ??? or whats a good or a bad one.
Would a shorter cable between wall faceplate and router help the figures at all i have a 7 meter cable..

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 8128 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 26 db 6.5 db
Noise Margin 11 db 26 db

Seeing 5mb sometimes and 2mb most nights.
tickle me elmo said:
yea exchange is at the bottom of the garden :p

so whats a good figure for the SNR and ATTENUATION? i dont understand what they are/do ??? or whats a good or a bad one.

Basically high SNR = good
Low Attenuation = good

SNR = how much signal there is to each bit of noise
Attenuation = how much of the signal is lost over the cable


MajorPart said:
Would a shorter cable between wall faceplate and router help the figures at all i have a 7 meter cable..

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 8128 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 26 db 6.5 db
Noise Margin 11 db 26 db

Seeing 5mb sometimes and 2mb most nights.

Does it actually drop from 8128kbps sync speed and go down to 5000, 2000kbps etc or is it just the download speeds that drop?

Download speeds will drop in the evening due to contention etc. (more people using the service at any one time) but your sync speed should stay pretty constant.
Due to the length of the cable run from my house to the excahge i can only get 4mbit max.

I was switched to MAXDSL about 5 days ago so so far so good. A good improvement from my 1mbit put it that way ;)
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