Adult content - Age Verification system - April 2018

18 May 2010
Surprised we don't have a thread on this yet.

What are your thoughts on the new age verification system coming in April 2018 which will require age ID to visit adult content? I think it's also linked to your credit card! That's the crucial part.


I think it's a terrible idea and this data will leak eventually in some sort of leak or hack. It's massive privacy intrusion as well.

I understand why they've done it but not sure this is the answer.
How are they going to police and enforce it ?

If a porn site is based in the States or Russia how is the UK going to force them to comply when it's out of their jurisdiction and also how will they prevent UK citizens from accessing if they can't enforce ?

And even if it does become enforceable surely it's just easily skipped over via a VPN ?

Not to mention what about more adult oriented social media sites like VK which is littered with porn and people posting porn to even twitter ?

I'm sure though the government will get their cut of the profits from this glorified porn tax which is likely the main motivation behind it, with the excuse being "protect the vulnerable" which funnily enough never offers any kind of protection

This restriction of things never works because curious minds want to know why it's restricted, how about providing better education on topics like porn & drugs to young minds instead of trying to hide it away from them for as long as possible making them want to have access to it to see what all the fuss is about in the first place.

If you read the article it tells you how they will enforce it. I think it says something like the big porn sites get put on a grey list. They sign up to this age verification system. Implement it on their site and they they get added to the whitelist. Otherwise they get blacklisted. I imagine that means our ISP's will block access to the site.

Also they will charge offenders 5% of their annual revenue or something....

The issue I have is this data, i.e what sites you signed in to using your age verification ID (linked to your credit card) will get leaked/hacked/sold on at some point. 100%!

On the flip side tho with the proliferation of the internet the next generation have much easier access to much more hardcore porn than we did as kids. So in a sense they have a point.
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