Adult Illiteracy

22 Oct 2002
Essex, innit?
It's World Book Day today (in UK and Ireland, but not the rest of the world oddly enough - something to do with UK school term dates..)

Anyway, the UK is trying to raise the level of numeracy and literacy.

The amazing fact they gave on Five Live is that 12 million adults (over 18s) have severe difficulty with numeracy and literacy.

By this they mean that they cannot read bank statements or the instructions/dose levels on children's medicines!

wow! :eek:
How do they collate these figures?

Its not like they could write to people. Unless they count the ones that don't write back :p
Gilly said:
How do they collate these figures?

Its not like they could write to people. Unless they count the ones that don't write back :p

i think the check the spelling on here then take it as a meaningful crossection of sociaty ;)
Mr Man said:
1 in 8 thats just awful

Thats disgusting.

How can people not learn their children to read? I used to love reading as a kid, id rather do that than watch TV.

No doubt the Gov. will be blamed rather than the parents though
1 in 8? Thats unpossible!

Defcon5 said:
Thats disgusting.

How can people not learn their children to read? I used to love reading as a kid, id rather do that than watch TV.

No doubt the Gov. will be blamed rather than the parents though
I see what you did there? ;)
how many times did you check the spelling of illiteracy before you posted? :p

edit: ^^ alright Ralphy
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My dad cannot read or write at all.
Used to be a right pain going into a video shop with him. He'd chuck cases at me saying whats this whats that. When he finally chose one he would cuss after watching it for 3 minutes saying he had already seen it.
He came off the road years ago so that my little brother and sister could go to school to learn to read and write. My sister did but my little brother from my dad just didn't bother. He's now out on the road getting on has he does.
Personally i couldn't imagine not being able to read and write but unfortunetly it's only recently since i have settled down that i have now found a need for it to be correct.
I don't mind learning though at my ripe old age just as long as people appreciate the effort when put in and respect genuine mistakes.

I think all should be done from all quarters to educate to a higher standard.
I work in a national call centre..and a large number of people can't add up basic numbers and try to get shirty. Or they seem to have a basic grasp of English.
Nah, I'm one of them. I can't count, can't read and cannot write. ;)

No really, shocking figures but it doesn't surprise me. Nobody takes the time to read anymore, video games, DVD's and TV have made it all so tempting to no longer pick up a good book.

I read all the time, even if it's just websites. I do read books as well, but I'd lilke to know where they get the figures from.
In today's society, there is very little need for purely manual labour.

Pretty much gone are the days when employees sat putting things in boxes.

And now, even if they do, they need to fill forms, read manuals and health and safety reports.

One report on the radio was of a warehouse facility where not one employee was able to complete a health and safety report following a near fatal accident.
Not really. My Dad cannot read or write. Well, when I knew my Dad anyhow. Haven't spoken with him in years, and he didn't seem to care. Better off without him, but his attitude towards it was so poor I didn't even bother to try and help.

Seems to me, that when someone is slow or slower at learning they can become frustrated, and just give up. Schools do (mostly) try and do all they can. I know a few teachers, one is a specials needs teacher, and I respect the work she does.

Slow learners need more help, but it only works if they want the help. I'll now fully admit, I'm a VERY slow learner. My written words are perhaps shocking to many. But I try, and I don’t let it get me down, but for some they just do not care. How can you help them, if their mind doesn't allow the help to pass into them?

It is shocking, but with all the gadgets, attitudes in life and general laziness of our society nowadays, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise..
Another problem is that some children's reading age does not match their chronological age. For example, some of the 13-14 year olds I teach have the reading age of a 9 year old. There are many reasons for this, including the reduction in teaching assistants to bring pupils up to speed.
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