Advanced Test(icles)

19 Nov 2010
I'm thinking about getting an advanced qualification this year, to improve my riding, get insurance discounts, be awesomer, etc. The three main options seem to be the Enhanced Rider Scheme, IAM or RoSPA. I'll probably just pick one, maybe two. But I'm not sure which. Does one have better benefits or is more widely recognised than the rest? Anyone here with experience of any of these? All advice is welcome :)

You people saying that you would do it only for the skills :) As if you wouldn't also ask your insurance company about a discount at the next renewal, albeit a small one...

I was thinking about volunteering for St John's Ambulance, but actually Blood Bikers looks interesting too. Is IAM a requirement for Blood volunteers?

I'm thinking 'Safe Rider' course with my local police force, then probably the 'Enhanced Rider Scheme' as I understand its a one-off thing with no test. After that IAM, I think. Maybe. RoSPA looks good, probably slightly better for just the skills, but I'm not sure I can be bothered retesting every 3 years. Ok, still undecided on that last one.
Its slightly bizarre, I thought it would be better regulated. When I first starting reading about it I thought there was an official advanced road license. Introducing one might create extra jobs. But perhaps there just isn't the demand for it?

I'll check out both groups in my area and go with the most organised.
Yeah, maybe. But after a while it would also improve the general standard of driving. Instead they're bending people over to get 'black boxes' installed. I don't like the idea of insurance companies monitoring my driving / riding 24/7 and imposing a curfew on the hours I can use my vehicle. It seems they're arbitrarily judging how we drive according to their 3rd party standards, without actually 'seeing' what the road conditions are like.
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