Advice about 9-5 jobs please

22 Oct 2004
Basically I'm applying for office jobs, which is completely different to my background. And with these jobs comes the 9-5 Monday to Friday which I've never done before. I have always worked 3 to 4 day weeks 12 hour shifts.
Has anyone gone from similar hours to me and then to a office hours, what do you think?
For me I like the idea of having every weekend off and finishing at 5 every shift. The only negative is I'll be in work 5 days a week, but to be honest I want to get back to working in a job that I can be excited about and not feel a part timer and achieve something.
Thanks for the quick replies everyone. Basically fed up of the role I'm in, there's not much advancement and the money doesn't get much better over minimum wage.
So here in 2017 and want to better myself and to try a new career that has potential for advancements.
Anyway the jobs that I'm applying for is only about 30 mins away which is absolutely fine for me.
As for personal life, 3 days of the week I would go gym before work so I would get up about 630 like I do now. And if I finish work at 5 I'll be home about 530 easily.
Thanks for all the replies, quite interesting to hear everyone's views on the subject.
Anyway I've had some very good news and I've got myself a job working 9-5 and it's flexitime so that makes it even better.
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