Advice For Buying Gym Equipment

6 Dec 2019
Hi I've not been going to the gym for about three months (closed down ,too expensive etc). I'm thinking of buying some equipment although I'm limited for space although there's plenty of room in the garden. At the moment I have a basic barbell and DB set (Body Sculpture spinlock, cast iron) that's only about 50 kg total and some other DB's. I also have a makeshift outdoor Pull-Up bar. I really want a 7ft olympic bar (20 kg) and weights but not sure what I should be paying for it ?. No room for a bench although I find BB floor Press is a good alternative though. I also have a TRX type suspension kit (difficult to find the right anchor point though). Just wondering what what you would buy if you were in my situation and where are the best places to look for stuff....


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