ADVICE: i7-5820k VS i7-10700K VS 10mn INTEL?

30 Aug 2016
Hi all,

I have a ageing yet still very usable i7-5820k 12 thread Haswell E CPU, but its starting to show it age now and only gets around 15000 points in Passmark.

I game at 4K and have a 1080 TI,

My question is should I :

1 - Keep i7-5820k until a true different architecture is released like 10mn

2 - Upgrade to a i7-10700k when they come out shortly (but its just another skylake refresh and not much of a noticeable change ?)

I would appreciate everyone input, Im leaning more towards waiting for Intel's desktop 10mn as I think these are going to be hugely more advanced than the Skylake refreshes that we keep getting, isnt it like 14mn ++++++++++ or something :p:p
25 Oct 2010
I wouldn't bother changing out a 5820K right now, it's still a good CPU and frankly passmark is irrelevant, what's important is whether or not you're getting the performance you need in actual games. @lee32uk is exactly right in what he's saying, a new GPU will go further at 4K for your requirements, in which case wait for the new cards launching later this year.

That said, if you WERE to upgrade to a new platform, I wouldn't touch Intel with a twenty foot pole right now, especially not for a 4K system when Ryzen will offer on par performance for a fraction of the cost. I doubt things are going to change much when the new Intel chips launch this year, regardless Ryzen 4000 is also out later this year. I would recommend not getting stuck on a company, when the time comes where you really do need or want to upgrade I'd seriously consider the AMD route.
30 Aug 2016
Thanks all, I just used Ryzen 3600 in my PLEX server rather than a Xeon and as you said its awesome for the money!

I will wait then thanks!
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