Advice needed. 2.1 speakers or Headphones

18 Jun 2005
I recently had a set of Logitech Z5500's die on me. Had these at least 2 years. Since been repaired and got rid of as sick of fuses blowing and also literally have no room. Plus the bedroom with people below it meant I never really benefited from the sub, and the surround was a bit akward.

Am in the market for a 2.1 set or headphones. I spent 40% time gaming (single player only), about 40% watching divx's and dvd, mainly divx's, and the rest probably listening to MP3's.

Considering the new Sennheiser 350's. Supposed to be a decent gaming headset and not have bad for music. I only listen to MP3's so not pushed about having "hi-fi". Using a Xfi Extreme Gamer as sound card so decent enough. Other alternative is Logitech Z10's, possibly even the Z-Cinemas, but not sure how good usb speakers are, whether the software is problematic and how convincing the virtual surround is. Almost think I'd be better off with the Aego M 2.1's. My budget is around 200 if need be. Not interested in 2nd hand hi-fi gear. Want something quick and painless. Any suggestions ?
Thanks for the advice guys. Especially on the 350's. To be honest with **** all reviews on the web I probably would have been slow to get them.

Do the 555's have decent bass. Not a basshead but cheap phones I have listened to in the past sounded a bit light in that dept. Would the 595's be better. Though the blurb on the 555 is that they have a surround defelector which gives extremely spacial sound reproduction. So maybe better for gaming ? They are both 50ohm jobs...easy to drive with a soundcard ? I don't want to have to buy an amp. Would be plugging them into front port of case which is connected to X-Fi. Or possibly rear of case as I know these connections for front audio sometimes pick up interference.

Only Grados I can find that are sourcable for similar money to the 595's in the UK are SR80's. 32ohm, so easier to drive ? How do these compare with the 595's.

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By the way - this just occurred to me, since I will be using no speakers now I may as well plug the headphones directly into soundcard as opposed to front of case (which is connected to x-fi but possilby prone to interference). It's an extreme music I believe...oem version which has proper optical and coax ports and all (not the creative proprietry stuff). Anyway, what analog port on x-fi do you use for headphones. I assume the one for front speakers. All I can see if front, rear, side, centre/sub, and a line in/mic.
Thanks for the info mate. That's the 2nd time I have heard that the Sennheisers are better for gaming. And to be honest they look more comfortable then the Grados.
Cheers mate. I think the 595's and the Aegos would be as much as I'd push it. And hopefully I will get both. 5.1 really takes up to much space. I have no interest in hi-fi for my PC and don't think I ever will be. I already have an oldish Hi-fi system downstairs I have not upgraded in years as I don't see any reason to since I lost interest in serious music years ago. But the missus still thinks it sounds good. I have a Cyrus III/PSXR, /Arcam Alpha 7SE CD/Audioquest Quartz interconnects/Mission 752 Floorstanders biwireed with Chordcompany Flatline Twin and an Alphason stand. Actually I think I might have added a DAC to the CDplayer. Can't remember :) Took me a long time to get to that. Went through Marantz, Meridian, Audiolab, Naim, NAD, Arcam, various TDL, Missions, KEF's, MA's etc and finally got a sound I liked. I'd say possibly 10 years old now. Then suddenly lost interest. I wonder does my kit still stand up to the latest stuff ?
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Went with the Z10's in the end. I like the G15 like display :)
And the fact they are usb and will be able to use my Senn 595's plugged into soundcard directly. Just a matter of selecting the audio device from the system tray.
Fair dues to Logitech, they are sending me a complete set of Z5500's...all I had to due was email them a scan of my receipt and a pic of my speakers with a reference no. written down beside them. Thought I was out of warranty. This means I guess they will not be collecting the faulty amp/sub and will have more speakers then I know what to do with!!

I definitely prefer the sound of the Z10's so far to the Z5500's and am enjoying the extra room, mainly no sub under desk so can stretch the legs :) And bass is plenty for bedroom, especially as there are people directly under me. Only minus on Z10's are touch controls for volume sometimes too sensitive, sometimes not sensitive enough. And when you adjust volume manually in windows or with keyboard it does not match the volume setting on the z10's. For example 50% in windows is almost 100% on the Z10. I just use the display on the speakers now for adjusting. Also like how I can have my favourite g15 stuff running....evga precision for example.

Hopeflly 595's will be here soon.
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