Advice needed - almost caught speeding (shock horor!)

12 Feb 2003
Yes, yes, I sped.......I made a mistake. I don't need that advice, my brain is already telling me off. Anyway, advice on the following please.

So, I'm stopped at lights in the outside lane of a 3 lane road. No houses, quiet but main road. Two hundred yards down the road, the two outside lanes merge, leaving just two with a 40mph limit.

Waiting at lights, a Focus pulls up next to me (3 lanes at this point remember). I didn't see any cars on the far left lane. That doesn't mean there wasn't, or one pulling up. There are roads to the left and right of this junction. 800 yards down the road is a speed camera.

Lights change and I put my foot down. I'm estimating I am doing 65 indicated and have pulled in front of the focus, then into the left lane. I let the car slow down to 40 for the speed camera without using any brakes, so would guess it would take a few seconds at least to slow by 25mph.

The focus is now behind me on the inside lane. Then a Volvo pulls in between me and the Focus. I sit at 40-43 indicated. The Focus gets bored and pulls out from behind the Volvo just a couple of seconds later and I estimate he's doing about 50-55mph. The Volvo then quickly pulls out and follows him. They are roughly 150 yards ahead and on go the Blue's!

The Focus is taking a slip-road on the right anyway, so crosses the road, followed by the Volvo and he pulls in. The Focus is parked by the time I catch up and go by, doing 40mph.

SO, whats the chances of getting done for my little sprint? They would have pulled me like the focus right? I was only really exceeding the limit for roughly 600 yards/10 seconds or so. Don't they normally record you for a distance (if safe to do so)? I'm guessing the speed the Focus went by was considered dangerous, especially since we were then in a fairly built up area. (hence the pulling!)
Dreading a knock at the door or a letter in the post.....
I expect you'll be fine if they didn't pull you over - consider yourself lucky that there was someone else misbehaving more than you at the time!
Don't worry, unless they pull you in situations like this you'll not get done.
timbob said:
I expect you'll be fine if they didn't pull you over - consider yourself lucky that there was someone else misbehaving more than you at the time!

What he said. ;)
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