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Advice needed on a new card for £600

18 Oct 2002
I bought an 7800X3D in December and decided to hold off on buying a new GFX card until the new Nvidia Super cards were released but I've really no idea where to put my money. As far as I can tell it's between a 4070 Super and the 7800XT with a £600 budget for 1440p gaming. I've been reading through all the various threads about perceived value, 12gb vs 16gb etc. etc. and the more I read the more confused I get so I'm hoping for some clarity in this thread if possible.

What resolution do you use? Higher the res, the more demand for VRAM. For example 16 gig as a new minimum for 4K gaming.

The Super RTX is the stronger card and has DLSS, better Ray tracing, and uses less power by about 30 watts.

But the 7800XT is about 100 pounds cheaper, and is packing 16 gig of VRAM. With slighty less RT and rasterisation.

1440p. I see a lot of people saying 12gb isn't enough for 1440p any more and other people saying it's fine.

If the 4070 Super runs cooler and quieter than the 7800XT then i'd gravitate towards that I think.
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