Advice needed on LED TV which I've purchased

13 May 2008

At the weekend I upgraded my old Samsung Plasma to a Sony Bravia KDL-50W829B after a few weeks of researching this model, I bought this from the department store who offer 5 year guarantee.

Everything has been fine but I've noticed a few things about the TV I wonder if someone could clear up.

1) On different angles the colours look washed, I have read different opinions that this is due to LED not having the best angle of vision, is this correct? Is they anyway around this with setting tweaks?

2) When the screen goes black (I.e TV is still on but say I switch HDMI channels or something similar) I have what can only be described as a faint white cloud light in the middle of the TV and I would say it is around 20" in length by say 8" high. Is this normal? Is this just the 'backlight'? I haven't noticed this when watching a programme but only when the screen is black and the TV remains on.

Sorry if these are newbie question!


At the weekend I upgraded my old Samsung Plasma to a Sony Bravia KDL-50W829B after a few weeks of researching this model, I bought this from the department store who offer 5 year guarantee.

Everything has been fine but I've noticed a few things about the TV I wonder if someone could clear up.

1) On different angles the colours look washed, I have read different opinions that this is due to LED not having the best angle of vision, is this correct? Is they anyway around this with setting tweaks?

It's down to the type of panel used and the way that LCD technology works. You can't do a lot about it except arrange the TV and seating to minimise it.

2) When the screen goes black (I.e TV is still on but say I switch HDMI channels or something similar) I have what can only be described as a faint white cloud light in the middle of the TV and I would say it is around 20" in length by say 8" high. Is this normal? Is this just the 'backlight'? I haven't noticed this when watching a programme but only when the screen is black and the TV remains on.

Sorry if these are newbie question!


Clouding can be minimised by making sure settings like local dimming are enabled. Take a look in the AV Forums thread for your TV and see what the recommended settings are, and you can use that as a basis for tweaking the picture to your liking.

I would recommend not going too mad though. Every TV today is all about compromises and clever tech to try and deal with it. The more you look for problems, the more you will see, and they can't be unseen.
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Thanks guys.

Just wanted to be sure I didn't have a dodgy TV! Sounds completely normal. I can live with it, just reassuring now I know it's normal.
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