advice needed on the following - motorway photpgraphy|in car photography

11 Jun 2004
ive just been out and taken a load of shots from these two perspectives. my aim was to use Tv to get some nice blurring etc - unfortunately they all came out a little crap!

firstly can i just ask for some advice on both of these methods (and examples if possible!)

my findings


- got terrible lens flare which seems to have come from my UV filter? is that normal?

- focusing was an issue i had it in manual and tried to guess where would bring the most area into focus but it wasn't all that successful. any tips?

- what settings work well? ISO, EXP compensation, shutter speeds etc

in car shots

- focusing... where should you aim to focus? the interior? or ahead of the car? i did this myself while driving so im afraid i didnt have much scope to change stuff but largely everything was out of focus!!

- setting? as above what kind of setting work well?


i plan to try again tomorrow perhaps so i would appreciate any advice. if i can ill post what i did for reference but i'd rather not bother proccessing them and just posting what results i have when they improve! anyway please post any advice it would be appreciated greatly!
heres the best i could manage in photoshop to correct the problems

i had to lower the exposure compensation massively to eliminate the damn flare i had.... anyway thought it was looking ok so i would post it

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