Advice needed; RE: letter/email

22 Feb 2004
Walsall, West Midlands

Im posting this msg on behalf of a work m8.

This geezer @ work decided it was time to get with the times and get a computer.
The first week of having it he'd set himself up an ebay account and bid on a minimoto for his son, and he won the bid without knowing. And it was to late to retract his bid, and now he doesnt want it.
As the emails started arriving off the seller about payment my m8 just ignored the emails, and he thought they'd go away. but they havent

Today he 's shown me a email he's recieved about the minimoto, and he's asked for my advice, and to be honest im stumped.

So i thought you OCuk lot would have some advice about what he could/should do.

Here's a copy of the email he's recieved Here
Only problem is its in German, so ive translated it best i could Here

just forget about it, tell him to make a new ebay account, sorted, the seller will get the final value fees back
He's got 3 options:

1. Pay for the item
2. Contact the seller and explain the situation - he may let you off, if you offer to pay for his *auction site* fees
3. Don't pay and face the consequences..

I'd go for 2 personally and try arrange something that both are happy with.
if you explain the situation to the seller, the seller do a request though ebay to mutually agree not to continue with the transaction, and the seller will get the fee's back, and you don't get penalised!

what ever you do, DO NOT just forget it or just make a new account, your just adding to the countless reason's sellers are weary about selling to new buyers.

hopefull the seller agrees to do that...else u'r screwed mate (just telling it like it is)
I hate people like this, they are far worse than scammers imo as they can be identified before the auction or in the case of selling, are normally banned quickly so its easy to get a FVF credit.

However, because people change their mind, the seller is required to wait 7 days before getting a FVF credit.

Tell the guy he is an idiot and shouldn't be allowed near ebay again. I mean seriously, how can you win an ebay auction without knowing? Idiot :rolleyes:
trojan698 said:
He'll get his final value fee's back and be able to relist the item for free if your friend doesn't pay. No worries.

The FVF fees, true.

The listing fees, maybe. It depends on if the item has already been relisted once. If it has, then he won't get the fees back this time.

That's all beside the point though. The guy is a time-wasting twit who shouldn't dabble in things he doesn't understand. Why should someone elses time (and possibly money) be affected by an idiot?
trojan698 said:
He'll get his final value fee's back and be able to relist the item for free if your friend doesn't pay. No worries.

I don't think he gets any extras refunded either so in theory he could have opted for the £49.95 homepage featured plus and won't be refunded for this. Only the final value fee.
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