Advice needed: Shared database "on the go"

3 Feb 2009

Forgive me for the clumsy title.

Situation: small private swim school.

Needs: a database with an easy front end. Teachers can log a learner's progress and a coordinator can also check the process on the fly.

Example: Terry is a tutor. He has 8 learners. He logs that "Andrea" has completed a series of tasks (they vary from stage to stage), such as "Travelled 20 metres using butterfly stroke". However, as the next class is on, Terry finds it hard to feed back to learner and parents. But the coordinator can check the live database (or whatever) and can accurately feed back to the parents and learner.

Question: is there any way to do this using basic office/Google apps or am I doomed to learn something?

I haven't programmed since assembly on the 68000 in the eighties...

Thanks for any suggestions!
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