advice needed

18 Dec 2009
Hi guys,
Totally new to this please go easy on me.
I am about to do my CBT this Saturday and have no car or bike experience... I am 6ft and about 16st...I've been doing my research..and I am opting for the Honda veredaro xl this bike seems a good choice for my height and weight..what I need help on is where is the best place to buy my gear from? I am totally new to the biking world and have no idea what is a popular website..I need to get all my gear from helmet to clothing...and if anyone knows of a decent sat nav for my galaxy s4?

Many thanks
Steve I had my CBT today...and it did not go's what happened...I turn up...there are 3 others there with me...myself and someone else doing 125cc geared..and the other two doing 50cc mopeds...there is only one instructed...and he made it clear he needs to be done by 3pm to attend a Halloween we gets to 1pm and he says to us on the manuals that we are not ready for the road yet and he needs to take the mopeds out on the he ended our course and told us to make another appointment at a cost of £50...this course was meant to be 9-5!!! ...what should I do?? If there was two instructors..we could have carried on practising till 3 then hit the road if we were ok I was....we only had 3 hours on the bike...totally disappointed with this expierance ...I was really hoping to be on the road next week...what should I do? Is that normal practice? Keen to hear your views
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