Advice on a new build & some questions

19 Nov 2023
Hi all. I am looking to buy a new PC, and was torn between going for a top end build (4090 + 14900K) which is very expensive, or a lower tier build (4070Ti + 13th gen i7 or i9). I will be going in for a 32" screen. At the moment, I've only played games at 1080p, so I don't what difference I will see in 1440p or 4K.

My main concerns with the 4090 are the following:
1. Risks of damage to the card with usage/card failure: is this common? As if this happens it will be £1.8k down the drain! What does the GPU warranty cover? (I will not go for Gigabyte because of their terrible warranty service)
2. Is it overkill? Will 4070/4080 card be more than adequate to handle 1440p?
3. Cost to run: with the high cost of electricity in the UK, will this be too expensive to run in the long run?
4. Heating: Will this heat up the case & cause heating problems in summer?

I have a few other questions as well with regards to other PC components:
5. PSU: what would the recommended PSU be for a 4090 Asus Strix OC edition with 14900K CPU? I have heard conflicting comments, with some saying it is most efficient to go for 1000W whereas others saying 1500W?
6. Case: Is a mid-tower (like corsair 4000/5000 iCue) OK for a 4090 or a full tower necessary? Can I go smaller than a mid tower?
7. Monitor: If I decide to future proof my PC and go for a 4K monitor, will the quality be poor if I play in 1080p instead (like watching SD content in an 8K TV?)
8. RAM: Does the speed make much difference to gaming (5200/5400/5800/6000/6400?) Also, what would the recommended RAM be for a 4090 build? is 32 GB recommended or 64 GB? What configuration will be better, 2x32 GB or 4x16 GB? Does increasing the RAM size or speed increase the power drain, heat generated or pose other risks?
9. SSD: Does the read/write speeds make much difference for gaming? (4300 vs 6000). Does it make sense to go for a 1 TB M.2 for windows installation & go for a 4 TB 2.5" SSD for installing games, or will an M.2 also for games make more sense?
10. RGB: If I go for RGB build & later decide I don't like it, can I disable them without physically removing/disconnecting them?

Sorry if some of these questions sound silly. Any advice is appreciated!
Many thanks for the replies.

From the above replies:
1. GPU damage can happen by overheating. Could happen to any card. I am getting it assembled professionally, so I assume they will use the adaptors provided & I will be covered under warranty?
2. 4090 is overkill for 1440. But is it recommended for 4k, or would you consider it an overkill in that regard as well?
3. Heating: Even if I have good ventilation in the case, in summer the ambient temperatures are higher, and the case will be generating a lot of heat which it will dissipate into the room, making the ambient temperature even higher. Would this cause heating issues within the case as its drawing in warmer air? What I guess I am asking is, would I have to restrict usage in summers, or have fans or AC in a small room in summer? (Sorry if this sounds like I'm planning too far ahead, I'm just trying to cover all aspects with getting a high end system.)
4. Will the power draw of the GPU always be high when running it? e.g if I am playing an older game or a game with FPS limited to 60 or 120, DLSS performance, or other settings lowered, would the GPU power draw be lower or would it still be 450W? Would I generate lesser heat in the above situations?
5. PSU: If I do go for a 4090 OC edition GPU with i9 14900K or Ryzen 7950X3D, but do not overclock them whatsoever (apart for the factory overclocks), would the Corsair 1000W be ideal or 1500W? Would the 1000W produce more heat (& use more power) as the load is higher, & the 1500W less heat as it has more room, or the other way round because 1500W is being under utilised
6. If I go for a 4090 & plan to play in 4K, what CPU would I need to avoid bottlenecks? And if I play on 1080 or 1440, what CPU is needed to avoid bottlenecks?
7. RAM: Why is 2x32 better than 4x16 GB? I remember ages ago (during the time of pentiums) that more RAM sticks were better than lesser sticks of same capacity. Is this because lesser power drain/heat generation or something else?
8. If I go for the top end CPU, which is better, and works well with a 4090? the 14900K or 7950X3D?
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Many thanks for the guidance. Can you please have a look at this configured 4090 + 7800X3D system & give your opinion?
***No competitor linking***

Is there any advice you would give me with the configuration I've selected? Overclockers does not have the same configuration available, nor does it allow customisation with the selected components, or I would consider them as an option.
Any advice would be really helpful.
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Many thanks for your advice. Sorry about the link. I'm unable to remove the link as I don't see the edit post button anymore. Can the moderators please help me remove the above link from my post?

Regarding the 4 fans, I was planning to have 3 installed on the side & 1 on the rear. My plan was to have the 3 stock fans on the front & the 3 additional fans on the side (total 6 fans) pulling air in, with a single rear fan & the 3 fans from the AIO cpu cooler on the top, pushing air out. Do you agree?
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