advice on a new projector for living room

3 Nov 2010
Further to my earlier ramblings i now have the following options.

(i currently own a TW2000 - 6 years old , same bulb)

1. Panasonic PT6000 - can be obtained directly from amazon for £1150 and will have pan european 3 year warranty allowing me to take it to my local repair centre down the road if i get problems (i have checked this with panny themselves)

2. Epson TW7200 - £1360 from amazon germany - will have a 2 year warranty and 36 month lamp cover -

3. TW9200 - £1900 from amazon germany or £1600 from ebay with a USA warranty which is not as useful as a EU warranty

4. TW8100 £1660 - amazon germany

5. TW9100 - £1720 - amazon germany

I assume all the espons will be a step up over the pannasonic (or is the TW7200 under specced compared to the panny)

Looking for something that is quite bright.

I am torn between the panny and the TW9200 but the TW7200 also is of interest (apart from concerns over noise)

I also game so looking for lowish lag.
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