Advice on being signed off work for stress.

23 Nov 2004
Not sure exactly what I'm asking but it's on behalf of my mum anyway.

She was being acting manager of a retail company since November 2010, got iterviewed for the Managers job at the start of this year and she was the only candidate.

She didn't get it for whatever reason and when the next interview took place she didn't get it again. A woman nigh on 60 got it. She has came in being the 'big bad wolf' (her words) not listening to my mum who was explaining how the shop runs. Essentially being a cow to all the staff and creating rotas that don't work for anybody and only having one rota up vs the usual 4/5.

Regardless of how good or bad a job she's doing my mum has been signed off with stress for two weeks, maybe extending that to 4. The company are sending letters saying she has to meet with the line manager, the big bad wolf, once a week to discuss it.

Seeing as the she is the cause of most of the stress my mum would rather not go in and meet her.

Where does she stand with this? Does she have to go in?
She is looking for a new job for now.

I think if left to do what she's doing the new manager won't last very long.

I know that staff have spoken to people from HO about her as one of the staff had to attend a meeting with a a director and an auditor. They asked about the manager and her reply was she was about as emotional as a concrete block. Both of them also didn't know the new managers work history....which she won't tell anyone.
Yeah she's going to call HR today and speak to someone. The person sending the letter saying to have a weekly meeting is the one who interviewed her and gave the other woman the job so I doubt she likes my mum!
You're actually 28?

You work for a company for 6 years. Progress from just a sales assistant to assistant manager then onto acting manager. Do that job for over a year and the figures are good, if not better, than the last year. The shop runs as it should and everyone is happy but you don't get the job.

Now you are down £5k, some numpty is in who can't actually do the job as they have never worked in the company and she's trying to tell you how to do a job you've been doing perfectly well.

I'd probably be pretty demotivated by that really. I'm not like my mum though and would tell her to do her own ******* job and I'll stick to doing what I'm paid to do thank you very much.
Passed on what has been said, she's going to call HR tomorow and go above the usual peoples heads to explain the situation.

I'll report back and explain the outcome.

The problem also is that the new woman knows best apparently. She's not followed procedure on a lot of things so hopefully things can just run its course and we'll see how it ends up.

Of course she is bitter at whats gone on, I would be too to be honest. You do your best for the company and the evidence is there in black and white. They then just give you a big FU and then send in a 'manager' who appears to be a glorified merchandiser at best with no evidence to suggest she even got her training.
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