Advice on building a new Gaming/Media Machine

13 Jul 2012
Hi all,

This is my first post on the OCUK Forums.

I'm looking at building a media/gaming PC for as close to £500 as possible.

I've been looking at an i5 3rd gen motherboard bundle (£240), GTX 560ti (£150), a 120Gb Agility 3 SSD (£70) and Windows OEM 7 64bit (£72). But I'm struggling to find a suitable Case and PSU (I was thinking an ATX Tower with 500 PSU??? £26) and get it all in budget?

Any suggestions for what hardware configurations would be better value for performance, or if anyone knows what Case size and PSU output I would need, that would be a great help.

I will probably need to look at changing some of the hardware as I need to keep it as close to £500 as possible. Maybe an i3 2nd gen motherboard bundle might be more suitable?
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