Advice on Hosting Options (Cloud or Shared Server) ?

22 Dec 2009
Upper Skurt

Would anyone please be able to advise me of my best option between taking out some Cloud Hosting or shared server hosting?

I am considering the creation of a web site that hosts a php bulletin board forum and also other site pages that provide forms where selections can be made to run queries linked to a MySQL database (~3gb). The query results are then returned to the pages in tables, ie a dynamic interactive web database.

The lowest level of shared server hosting will possibly meet the needs, however, I am not sure if the amount of traffic and data transfers would be OK for this level of hosting?

When I look at the next level upwards then the options as I see it are either Cloud hosting or restricted shared server hosting where the sharing is restricted to a small number of accounts (~10 or ~20).

Any advice as to my best options or any other feedback most appreciated.

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