Advice on Mobo's for new build Q6600/4GB Ram

31 Jul 2003
Hi All
Finally back in the market for an upgrade, its been years and im sort of out of the loop.

Looking to get a Q6600 and at least 4GB of RAM (are these any good?
Will be getting an 8800GT as im a fan of nvidia, also not going to bother with SLI.

What kind of motherboard would you recommend? Im confused by all the mobo's they have now :(

P35 or X38? Whats the difference? Also I currently have an Asus board so im familiar with that brand, but can switch if its worth doing?

Additionally i'd like to get a board with a bit of future proofing so if it can use the new 45nm cpu's coming out and supports DDR3 as well so i can upgrade the cpu/memory in the future that would be good as well :)

thanks for any help given, much appreciated!
Wow thanks for the huge post Fire_Wizard and Troop for your input as well

Am I right in assuming the boards you listed in your post have 4x DDR2 slots and 2xDDR3 slots? I have read that some of these combo boards are holding back memory speeds or dont work well with 4GB or more memory. What would be an alternative if ditch the DDR3 compatability? Im not looking to get huge gains but i would be more than happy for a 3.0Ghz+ oc of course

Do you think its worth getting a future proofing mobo? Seems that DDR3 is still a bit far off from maturity and the new PCIe 2.0 becoming the standard soon, i will have to move over to X38 board anyways?

Thanks for the tip on the OCZ 4GB (2 x 2GB) PC2-6400C5 i will definitely be getting these as I often find it easier to sell off the 2x2GB sticks rather than 4x1GB sticks in the future if i wish to upgrade.

I will definitely be getting windows vista 64bit to utilise the 4GB of memory (although it is painful moving away from familiar xp).

dmx07 i think the reason the 2x2GB kits limit overclocking is because they are usually rated at a lower speed than the single 1GB sticks. I too am interested if there are any drawbacks in using vista64 as I will also be gaming a lot

advance thanks again :)
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