advice on my website...

13 Jan 2004

i know its pretty basic and crap, and not all the links work - pictures link and some of the race reports due to not being uploaded yet.

any suggestions of ways to improve it bearing in mind i know nothing about html and am basically learning how to do this using frontpage and photoshop for the pictures.

whilst im on thee subject of it... is there any better way of joining multiple photos together and blending them in rather than using smudge? :o

Start off by binning Front Page – it’s a terrible web design program! I recommend hand coding or if your budget can stretch to it, investing in Dreamweaver.

Re: Your site. The marquee tag is now pretty much obsolete, HTML 4.0 code ;)

Check out and try and make sure that your site complies with all the standards these guys set out :)

You should also be looking at XHTML in your code; there are plenty of excellent reference books/websites floating around to get you started?

riiight.... i didnt understand most of what you said but ill try to look it up.

soooo basically i was right when i said it was crap. ;)
helpimcrap said:
riiight.... i didnt understand most of what you said but ill try to look it up.

soooo basically i was right when i said it was crap. ;)
No, the layout of the actual site is okay, it just needs polishing up a bit :)

Get yourself a good book and get reading :p

People on 800x600 will hate your site, so will those on 56k or limited connections.

You have got some good photos and content on there but frontpage isn't helping you. The site lacks a bit of a content structure, it's sort of just all plonked on a black background, what might suit it more is if the main content is placed within a content area that stands out from the background.

Tell us somesites you like, and why you think they look good :)
helpimcrap said:
any suggestions of ways to improve it bearing in mind i know nothing about html and am basically learning how to do this using frontpage and photoshop for the pictures.

Well without learning HTML properly you won't be able to progress any further than this. Head over to W3Schools and read through 'Learn HTML', 'Learn XHTML' and 'Learn CSS'.
Another good site is HTMLDog

Ignore what the elitists say. Frontpage is fine as long as you develop the HTML yourself in code view. Don't let frontpage draw the markup itself, as it will use old standards.

helpimcrap said:
whilst im on thee subject of it... is there any better way of joining multiple photos together and blending them in rather than using smudge? :o

Plenty of ways. Try changing the blending mode on the different layers. Have a play around with those, and opacities. That should get you off to a good start.
White text on a black background is extremely hard to pull off successfully, even for professionals; and as such should be avoided where possible in my opinion. I remember when I first started out many moons ago in Frontpage, I would always create pages which featured white or light grey text on black backgrounds - at the time I thought they looked brilliant, but in hindsight, having dug up some of my old websites, one can definitely assert that they do look incredibly unprofessional.

As has been suggested, it'll definitely benefit you to learn (X)HTML and CSS from scratch, as it will allow you to take complete control over your site in terms of structure, design and content - you'll no longer be held back by the limitations of a WYSIWYG editor. Whilst learning a markup language may at first seem daunting, HTML and CSS are actually incredibly easy to learn, but time-consuming to master. HTML Dog is a good place to start, although it is already becoming somewhat dated. One piece of advice I have is to stray away from making what I see as the cardinal sin so many designers are committing today, of serving XHTML as text/html, as it renders its use absolutely pointless. Whilst Appendix C of the XHTML 1.0 Specification states that it is permitted to use text/html as the MIME type to serve XHTML as it's supposed to be backwards-compatible with HTML; the simple fact of the matter is that HTML 4.01 is not forwards compatible with XHTML. Jero has a detailed article pertaining to this subject.

Sorry to digress, but it will benefit you to differentiate between the uses of XHTML and HTML at an early stage of learning. :)
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