Advice on simple headshots

17 Jan 2006
Hi All

For all my luck I've been asked to take photos of all the staff members where I work, these are to be simple head and shoulders type portraits just for use on our internal portal etc so they don't have to be the ultimate in portrait photography but they do need to be reasonable and quick to take as I don't have a huge window of time to take the photos and quite a lot of photos to take (something like 450 staff members...)

Normally these would be done by a professional company but they've decided I can do it (oh joy)

I have found a reasonable location to take the photos, a large room with huge windows on two sides and an area that I can set to have a chair placed so that light falls nicely on the subjects and doesn't give me horrible shadows.

I should mention that I will be using an EOS 600D with a Canon 18 - 135mm lens as that is what we have...and I will be relying on natural light (yes I know) because we don't have any lighting etc.

I have done a few test shots today while the light outside is pretty poor and the room is fortunately bright enough to give good results even on a dull cloudy day like today, so hopefully it'll be ok on the day...

I will be shooting in Aperture priority mode with as low an F number as I can to give the background a little blur so the subjects stand out but does anyone have any additional tips they can give me

Any help very much appreciated as I am rather dreading it!!!
Thanks some useful tips there.

Back ground is pretty uncluttered but I'm contemplating hanging a plain (not white) sheet or something so it's completely uncluttered...

Tripod is part of my plans already.

I will have an assistant who will be marking off who has been taken and the order, they may have to do some reflector holding too.

That's a good point re distance to background and the aperture good have people actually in focus! :)

I was planning on doing exactly as you say the the 45 degrees away from me and looking back.

The longer focal length with this length will limit the aperture size a little but that'll help with the focus so should be ok.

I've done a few test shots with a lamp and some cushions taking the place of people... will do a few test shots with actual people tomorrow hopefully!
Still not sure about the back ground, the location I've got has a bit old wooden door and I'm wondering if the panels of it will look odd coming out of peoples heads?

This is one of the test shots I did yesterday afternoon (no people helpers about so had to ask a lamp for

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Ooooh...just had a thought, we recently produced a massive roller banner, I could potentially use that as a back drop, though it might be a bit too reflective...

Might give it a whirl today if I can rope in a few 'volunteers' to help out, there's only so many photos one can take of a lamp!! lol

I'm sure that there will be loads of people that don't like them but there won't be time for everyone have a look as they are taken so they'll just have to put up with what they've got until the pros come in September (I don't know why this project can't wait until then to be honest but there you go!!!)
Right got to do this tomorrow, not looking forward to it but hopefully once I get going it'll be ok.

'm slightly concerned that the focus on a couple of my test shots is a little soft, both with manual focus and auto focus. Is there any thing I can do about that?
Here's one of my test shots:


1/10 sec
Exposure Bias +1
Focal Length 135mm (standing back and zooming into help with background separation)

I will probably drop the exposure bias down a little as this is a bit bright but it does need a little else the right side is a bit dark...

She is also a bit too front on in this one!
Thanks I'll give the higher ISO a that a whirl tomorrow while setting up.

I hadn't really looked at the chin, your right it does need some shadow. That's not going to be easy due to the way the light comes in, I might as you say have to get creative...

As I'm not using any reflectors or anything to get the light as it is (we don't have lights or flashes or anything, it'll probably be having to block out the light with black card or something.
Cheers, I'm feeling a little more confident about it now.

I'm going to have a tripod with me, but will probably shoot handheld for ease and speed.

I was worried about the glasses and reflections but actually hadn't realised that my test subject was wearing some! lol
My biggest problem: Tall people. We had a few giants that forced me to recompose the shot, and I had to get a couple to slouch a bit because my tripod was too short!

That's why I'm not using a tripod, we have such a range of heights it'll be quicker for me to do it handheld.

Don't let the women see their shots, especially if they are already ugly. You won't have time to do 450 people otherwise!

Definitely not letting anyone see them, as you say not got the time and I could do with out a load of people asking me to take a dozen pics until there's one they like.

Most of all, remember that this is a fun exercise for you,

Fun? Not so sure about that, I hate taking pics of people, I don't like having to interact with a load of people I don't know and I don't like the pressure of knowing they need to be reasonable this is not going to be!!! lol
Well, I had the first session today and was really surprised to find myself enjoying it!

I got about 45 people done (I have no doubt next 2 sessions will be busier.. They better be, everyone needs to have the taken... Lol) and am pleased with the way the pics came out.

The hints and tips from here have helped a lot and gave me much more confidence doing it. Think I might be a bit disappointed when I do the last session on Friday, though I will have to do extras at some point to pick up anybody who is missed this week!
Yeah turns out you were right, I really was dreading it but after the first couple of people I actually found it relatively simple and started to enjoy it!

And even better I got some decent shots and most people were happy with them (there was plenty of time to show them if they asked as not a huge number of people turned up!)
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