Advice on sound upgrade

29 Sep 2006
West Yorks
Currently running a set of DT990 Pros through a cheap tubed amp with an audio switcher, switching from headphones to speakers. Using the headphones for gaming and have a cheap set of speakers for listening to music. I want to purchase a better set of speakers, I'm thinking of getting a set of Edifier R1280t's or similar. So thinking about getting a better amp too. a bit clueless on the amp Vs DAC situation and how to connect it together, IE what cables etc. I do want to be able to switch from speakers to headphones without unplugging cables. I would like decent audio quality too but to my budget. I'm think something in the region of £150 for a DAC/amp and a bit of advice of how to connect up please. This is for my pc.
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Ok, no sure what to say here but firstly, thanks for your responses however it didn't really point me in the right direction. I suppose I just wanted to be told, buy this, buy that.....job done .

Ok so I've done some reading up and wanted to ask if the following scenario would work.

Ok, so if I purchased something like a amp/DAC for my headphones which were usb connection to my pc. I have been leaning towards the Ifi Zen DAC v2. Then if I had a separate set of 2.0 active speakers, could I switch from speakers to headphones on the fly through windows?

I do not want a soundcard, Internal or external. I did read up on the creative G6 and it looked decent but read nothing but software issues. I just want something that'll work without the faff.
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To update this thread, I purchased an Audient ID4 MK2. This does everything I want and more. I can isolate the audio out to the speakers with the press of a button. Paired with my newly purchased Presonus Eris E5's. I am blown away. It took a bit of googling, watching YouTube videos and research but got where I wanted to be.
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