Advice on using iTunes (Music) please

11 Oct 2005
Hi. I am very new to Apple products and iTunes etc.

I have a iPhone 3GS which I only use for the MP3 functions and apps. As I have a Blackberry for an actual phone.

99% of my Music (MP3's) is stored on my HTPC which in turn is played through my wireless music player in the lounge. (Logitech Sqeezebox)

At present my MP3's are stored on the HTPC as follows. (example)

G Drive:- MP3 Folder:-
Dire Staits:-
Brothers In Arms:-
'Track Name etc'

I have iTunes ONLY installed on my Laptop and I have also a handful of music on the laptop (which is also on the HTPC computer as well)

Is it worthwhile me organizing/adding all my MP3's into iTunes even if I do not want them on my iPhone/iTouch

If so, I presume iTunes can 'look for folders' on my 'home network (HTPC Computer)' then as well?

Thank you
I think your best bet would be to have everything in your iTunes on your laptop. Presuming you can get to the files on your HTPC via your network when using your laptop, you can set iTunes' media library to the one on your HTPC.

Make sure to untick 'copy files when adding to library'. I have encountered problems before when adding large folders to iTunes, so I tend to do it in small chunks if needs be.

The other way would to be have only the music you want on your iPhone, on your laptop, which does mean you wouldn't need the network, but you'd have to move everything over manually.
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