Advice please! Depreciation!

6 Jun 2004
Right, after a bit more thinking I've come to the possible conclusion that although I definately want a better car (Celica ST205 GT4 or a Mitsu Galant VR4 are currently top of my list) come september I have realised that I'll probably be selling it a year later.

Why you ask? because the chances are, if all goes well, I'll be getting a job in the city (London) in Sept 2007 and very much doubt I could justify having a car whilst living in London.

The question is, depreciation wise, do I go for a rarer Galant VR4 (harder to buy but worth it?) or the Celica GT4 ST205 - which, looking at the older ST185s, are really struggling to sell (will the ST205s be in a similar situation come summer 2007?).
I like both cars equally as much, but looking at the situation I am now in, I dont really need scope for mods (as I'll only have it a year?) and I would, if at all possible, like to get back the majority of what I paid for it.
What car is more likely to hold it's value better?

Any advice is welcome!
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I live in London and see no reason why you can't have a car down here. Insurance isn't funny, and I think twice about where I park, but apart from that, the only difference is that I only use my car on weekends.
As for low depreciation cars, look for something that is popular. Check out a 200SX, which because of the interest in drifting appear to have gone up in value if you can find a nice manual.
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