Advice please!

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
Right, to all you pro photographers here. If you were covering a club event or an event of such nature and youworked 7 hours in total (including editing) how much would you charge and if the client never stated how many photos they expected in total, how many would you provide?

This in regards to

To those itnerested about what is going on, is this guy is really taking the GOVERNMENT ISSUED LANGUAGE FORM now about this all and I am seriously contemplating taking him to a small court about it!
Colin_da_Killer said:
Right, to all you pro photographers here. If you were covering a club event or an event of such nature and youworked 7 hours in total (including editing) how much would you charge and if the client never stated how many photos they expected in total, how many would you provide?

This in regards to

To those itnerested about what is going on, is this guy is really taking the p155 now about this all and I am seriously contemplating taking him to a small court about it!

A good starting point is £50 per Hour. As for the court, wopuld it not be a case of his word against yours? (unless there was something in writing - which reading the other thread i doubt)

cmt said:
A good starting point is £50 per Hour. As for the court, wopuld it not be a case of his word against yours? (unless there was something in writing - which reading the other thread i doubt)

There were 2 other people at the table that heard the conversation between us and would be willing to testify about it. A verbal contract is legally binding under Scottish Law.
cmt said:
A good starting point is £50 per Hour. As for the court, wopuld it not be a case of his word against yours? (unless there was something in writing - which reading the other thread i doubt)


I would normally only be charging for time on site. So editing time is normally included in the package for me. 50-70 seems reasonable to me.
Colin_da_Killer said:
There were 2 other people at the table that heard the conversation between us and would be willing to testify about it. A verbal contract is legally binding under Scottish Law.

in that case i would put it to him that he is 'breach of contract - under scottish law' and see if he budges. If he does not i would probable put it down to experience and be a bit more wary next time.

Take £50 and be chuffed with yourself for having paid work!

You didn't go out with the intention of making money so anythings a bonus :)
stuart38 said:
Take £50 and be chuffed with yourself for having paid work!

You didn't go out with the intention of making money so anythings a bonus :)
Your right, but I did intend to go out and have a fun evening with my friends, have a few drinks, do a few dances. Instead, I took photos the whole evening though... so no, if he had offered £50 at the start i would have said no!
Is it worth all the hassle?

It's taken this long to get pretty much nowhere. Tell him he obviously doesn't want your pictures, and that's his loss. He can take the proverbial long walk imo.
Mohain said:
If he's already got the pictures (I assume he has?) then take the 50, suck it up, learn and move on.

Agreed. If he has the shots there isn't much you can do. If not, don't hand them over unless you get paid a fair amount. Also edit the disguised swear word in your first post :)
50 quid is reasonable for what you have done to be honest. 50 quid for doing some pics on a night out on a digtal compact is very good Colin. I must give you much praise for the good output on such camera.

The images you have are very noisey and will show a lot in output. 50 quid with no expectation of prints is a bargain.
Have to say that I think you walked into it a bit. Getting anyone to part with thier cash is always one of the hardest parts of any 'sale'. Its been said before but never give the goods until you see the cash. Give watermarked proofs if they need to see any shots, but never the actual thing. If he doesnt pay I wouldnt be in the slightest bit suprised. If you get £50 take it and run.

In your emails prior to a sale dont ever give the impression of bad products, theres no need for him to know how many bad shots you took. Only show the good stuff.

I think you should just learn from this and move on. As for the courts, forget it.
Colin_da_Killer said:
I have not given him the photos yet, I'm not that naive (spelling?)

Still, if he's still willing to give you £50 I'd be tempted to take it. Is it worth going to court for the sake of £50? He is your first paying customer and has the potential of getting you more work (other jobs, word of mouth).

If I was in your shoes I'd take the money, smile, shake hands and ask him if he has any more work for you :)
Mohain said:
If I was in your shoes I'd take the money, smile, shake hands and ask him if he has any more work for you :)

Me.............. I would probably turn up with the photos, see if he increased his offer and if not rip them up in front of him and tell him its his loss.

But thats me, bitter and twisted after being shafted many times through my life with different things (luckily not photography..............yet!)

Mohain said:
Still, if he's still willing to give you £50 I'd be tempted to take it. Is it worth going to court for the sake of £50? He is your first paying customer and has the potential of getting you more work (other jobs, word of mouth).

If I was in your shoes I'd take the money, smile, shake hands and ask him if he has any more work for you :)

At that money, it's not the kind of work you want to keep getting T.B.H.

Some customers you can do without.

If he has made it clear that he will not pay the originally agreed £100 I'd just walk away quietly and put it down to experience.
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