Advice re high HTT and memory errors.

16 Nov 2005
West Midlands, UK.
I have a stable overclock on my opty 144 and it's running at 2.7GHz on 1.5v. I would like to lower my CPU multi to 8.5, up the HTT to 318 so as I can still run at 2.7GHz, but have my RAM running at 208MHz(currently at 189).

I tried the above with memory timings of 2.5-3-3-8 and 3-3-3-8, but Memtest86+ kept throwing up memory errors. I then raised my chipset voltage to 1.65v(from the default of 1.60v)and Memtest is still showing errors.

I'm stuck as to where to go from here. Should I try upping the chipset voltage to 1.70, or even 1.75v, the maximum my board will do? Or, up my vcore some more?

My specs, Opteron 144, Epox EP-9NDA3I and Corsair 2GB XMS3200PT TwinX.

Cheers, dagwoood.
Artheas said:
Could it be that the CPU simply cant go to such high HTT with the 8.5x multiplier?

Thanks for the suggestion Artheas, but it looks like my problem is more far reaching than that :(

I started another thread a couple of days ago with regards to high HTT's and stability and smids has shed some light on the problem

Looks like my chipset is the problem :(
A.N.Other said:
Why don't you just give the RAM some more volts? Or have you already done this?

Your correct in assuming I've already done this. Thanks for the suggestion A.N.Other :)
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