Advice required on Backup Hardware/Software to buy

18 Oct 2002
Hopefully I have asked this question in the correct forum.

My boss has asked me to sort out a Backup solution for the computers at work. I did get an portable harddrive for him to plug into his laptop so he could manually backup, but he forgets to do it and when he remembers he finds it to be slow to backup 10-20gig of files.

In our office we have 2 Desktop Pc's and 2 Laptops. I need a way if possible to Backup important data (or ideally all data) on the the desktops and laptops. This needs to be done automatically and scheduled say Once a week.

I have been looking at dedicated servers, network attached devices and different software but I cannot work out what would be a fast and simple solution.

I would appreciate any advice offered. I have a budget of around £700-£1,000 and maybe a little more for the perfect solution.
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is data centralised at all at the minute?

I would probably get a cheapo HP ML110/5 and stick linux or XP Pro on it and then use an online storage medium to keep long term backups.

Tapes are more trouble than they are worth for such a small amount of users and USB disks are not reliable enough to be left standing for years. Great for daily backup but useless for long term archiving.
Thanks for your reply Sone. The data is spread all over the place with each PC/Laptop needing to be individually backed up
Hmmm..what about an acronis solution.

You could install an acronis backup agent on each machine and then have the central acronis application, residing on say, a DL380 G3/G4 server (fairly cheap, but still reliable) backing up the data nightly to it's local disk (raid 5 or whatever), then from disk to tape bi-weekly, if money allows for that?
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