Advice Required Plz - Dead 775 system

28 Mar 2007
Hi all,

I have a 775 system with which was running a Q6600 G0 @ 3.4. System has been very unstable for about 6 months and it's got to the point where I can't rely on it anymore.

It suffers random shutdowns, not bluescreens, just straight power off. I'm no expert but I reckon it's down to either the PSU or the Abit IP35 Pro 9which I have been having other issues with).

So, I have two options. I either upgrade the whole system to SB now, which I can do but don't really want to do, or I can buy some parts to keep this one going.

I was thinking of buying this PSU and buying a 2nd hand 775 board.

Will that PSU be able to cope with an I5/560Ti set-up later down the line?

Way I'm looking at it is that I can spend c. £100 to keep the current one going buy buying a part that I can also use for an SB system at a later date. I'd sell the Q6600 when I eventually upgrade.

Also, if I install Windows 7 on this system, can I transfer that to a new SB system or are they still tied to the motherboard like I think Vista was?

Don't know what to do, any advice/help appreciated.
Also, if I install Windows 7 on this system, can I transfer that to a new SB system or are they still tied to the motherboard like I think Vista was?

An OEM license is tied to one motherboard.
A retail copy can be transferred from system to system :)
I agree with chigley. I would buy a new psu like you suggested, its not lost money as that one will be fine in the future system. But I would not buy the motherboard until after buying the power supply and making sure that is not the issue.
I agree with chigley. I would buy a new psu like you suggested, its not lost money as that one will be fine in the future system. But I would not buy the motherboard until after buying the power supply and making sure that is not the issue.

Very good point. My only concern is that the IP35 Pro was showing signs of failure before the power off's. It got to the point where the only way I could keep BIOS settings was by changing the battery every two weeks or so and only one of the RAM slots was useable. Wouldn't boot with two sticks in it.

There's every chance I'll use any 775 board I buy for an HTPC at a later date so not worrried about "wasting" £40/£50 or so.
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