
24 Jul 2004
Hi i'm looking for a bit of advice at the moment i'm considering upgrading my pc and wanted peoples opinions on what I plan.

This is my old spec :-

MB - Asus P4P800-E Deluxe
Processor - P4 2.4
Memory - 2x Geil® 512MB DDR PC3200
Graphics Card - XFX Geforce 6800 GT 256MB

This is what I have in mind :-

MB - DFI Lanparty UT NF3 Ultra-D, Skt939 2000FSB SATA RAID Gigabit LAN Firewire ATX
Processor - AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual Core 3800 512k Cache per core (2.0GHz) Skt 939 Retail (3 yr.warr.)
Memory - Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3500LL TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2 (MY-107-CS)

(I dont want to change my graphics card at the moment)

Ok before I go and order anything i'd like some advice and a few questions answered.

1. Does this look a good upgrade (will I see a big performance increase I mainly use the pc for gaming)

2. Could I have done anything different to gain a better upgrade for the same budget (£400-450)

Any advice will be much appreciated thanks :)
Yes thats right my 6800 is AGP and that seems to be my main problem but for my budget (£450ish) I really cannot see a way I can change it
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