Advise on an upgrade that limits the need for editing.

12 Sep 2005
Norwich, England

I've always found it frustrating that a lot of photos need work on sharpening etc to get a decent photo, and also and probably more so, the amount of missed focus on shots, when doing aviation/airshow photography.

I have a Canon 450d, EF 50mm f1.8, and an old 300mm Canon L 4.0.

Am I being too hopeful that a newer camera would dramatically improve my in focus success rate, and also, out of the camera provide better images, without the need to touch them?

I take a lot of phone photos, and enjoy the hassle free nature of it, but the photos aren't great when viewed larger of course, did start thinking about a decent compact, but i'd miss the flexibility with lenses I think, but would be great to carry around on an outing and get vastly better photos than a phone camera.

But I have also been look at Canon 80D's, £350-450 ish s/h, they get a good write up and have much better AF then mine i'm sure.

I don't mind editing images, if its to change the look considerably, but I don't really want to sit and edit a whole stack with subtle changes to get a good image, though I did set some templates up to sort of auto apply, in DarkTable, but it was a bit faffy.

Long rambling post, any thoughts, ideas would be great. Thanks a lot
Its a minefield. When you're taking your pictures, is the camera reporting its locked its focus ? If so, It might be worth looking at the lens. is it sharp? although the camera may lock focus, if the lens isn't sharp, then no photo will be sharp so to speak.

I have an old 75-300 cheap lens and a 24-105 f4 L ... whilst the L lens is shorter in reach, its much much sharper, and when cropped in, is still very decent ... there is a marked better quality to the image overall.

The best lens I used to use for moving stuff was a 70-200 f4 L ... the base one, I now regret selling it. it was tack sharp, very quick to focus, and very good ... even on older bodies.
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