
21 Apr 2004
Southampton University
well after a string of 21** units and just assuming I had this switched on, i checked and it was off, so I put it back on and I have been rewarded with a nice shiny 1495 which will give me a good 350PPD on my 3500+ :D

So, it looks like advmethods is the way to go at the moment (if you aren't too busy installing linux to run SMP) :p
I have said this several times this last few weeks. Why is it people are only taking notice now?

You have all let the team down by ignoring my advice for so long :(

is this something to stop getting crap work units?

mine is taking over 72hours and has only earnt me about 350 points :(

How do i put this advmethods on so i get better work units?
Ever since I started crunching I've had -advmethods on... I just followed the guide and it said it was best to have that on... so it's on! :p
It's on all the machines here at the farm, but still getting 21** on my workstation and the server. I haven't checked the other machines in ages but my 149* count on stanford keeps going up, had my first 1499 on the 805d rig (20h+ at 480ppd :D )

Luck of the draw I guess with 23 active processors (17+6)*

*Sandford are showing 17, in last 7days, but 7 processors all fold under one of those ID's
Another 1495 so to celebrate I upped my clock from 2.53 to 2.6GHz :D

edit - this seems to have boosted my peak PPD from 373 to 411 on a 1495 \o/
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All my PCs run with advanced methods, always have. I really can't be bothered swapping them around all of the time.

I'm crunching a 805 pointer on my X2 3800 rig at 220ppd at the moment :)
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