aego m 2.1 VS logitech z-2300

11 Jun 2005
Ideally i'm looking for someone who has owned both of these sets of speakers..

Main usage will be for listening to music and watching films, but no doubt i'll be too lazy to plug in my headphones to play games at times...

I'm being drawn to the Z-2300's on sheer wattage and price, someone reccomend me!
Had both - had the logitech first but got rid due to the size of the sats (huge), now got the aego m's and i prefer them tbh, the only thing i find better with the Z-2300s is the fact it has a remote control.

I used to own the Logitech z-2300 system, which I sold a while back.
At the end of this week I'm buying the Aego M system, in white. :p
They will look better, and sound better. If they don't, I will eat my hat.
Some people say there is minimal difference between the two.

Thus the reason why i'm leaning towards the z-2300's, a fair ammount cheaper for somethig that's essentially the same (except with bigger satellites)
Perhaps the z-2300 system is more ideal then. Like you said, it has a remote, and probably isn't massively different.

You won't be disappointed with either tbh.
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