Aego M centre speaker

26 Jul 2005
I recently bought a set of aego ms and im really happy with them. I noticed you can use a 3rd satellite for a 3.1 setup. A few questions:

1. Would it be worth it for movies/games/music?

2. What sounds would actually come out of the centre speaker?

3. If I got one how would I go about setting it up as in the creative console theres no 3.1 option :confused:

I think the idea might be to get a second pair of Aego M's and then a centre or two and use it as a 5.2 or 6.2 system. Might be quite good in a small room actually.

If you're in a small room I wouldn't bother buying a centre speaker to go 3.1. There'll be little point. You'll have another speaker on your desk, sure, but it won't do anything for the soundstage without rears and a large room.

I've found the Aego's stereo imaging to be very good, and they're perfect for my needs at the moment. Saying that though, I've been really spoilt with my system below, but I just don't have the room for it at the moment, and will look for a change when I actually buy a house rather than rent.
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