Aego M - No Bass

1 Jan 2005
Dublin, Ireland
I've got a pretty weird problem with my Aego M. A few days ago, the subwoofer became really faint - I can barely hear any bass coming from it anymore. Even when it's set on full, I have to move my head right next to it to hear any sound.

I've got an X-Fi Elite pro, and I've messed around with various options in the control panel but I haven't got anywhere.

A few days ago the bass sounded brilliant, so does anyone have any ideas about what I could try to fix it? Or does it just look like I'll have to RMA it?

Thanks in Advance
Are you playing the same tracks that you were previously? It's always possible that the recordings you are using now have had some of the lower-end stripped out of them if they're been converted to MP3.
Yeah, my entire iTunes library sounds terrible. MP3s and AACs that sounded great a few days ago just sound awful now. I've tried using windows media player and winamp as well but I'm getting the same results
OK... Not knowing the connections on the Aego, is there any way of hooking up another source to it to check that it's definitely the X-Fi? Might be a problem with the crossover within the Aego itself, or could even be damaged cables/loose connectors.
Thanks for the replies.

I've tried a few more things and I'm definitely thinking that there's something up with the Aegos. I plugged them into my iPod via the line-out connector on the dock, and I'm getting similar results to what I'm getting on the computer. The bass is just really weak.

I've also tried connecting my crappy old Harman/Kardon speakers computer speakers to the X-Fi and they have more bass the Aegos, despite being old and cheap :( .

I've double checked all the cables, so unless anyone can think of anything else I'll probably just return them.
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