Aego M owners in here please!

1 Jan 2005
Dublin, Ireland
I got a pair set of Aego Ms last December and I've had a very frustrating time with them. At first they sounded brilliant, just like everyone says they do. After a month or two they started acting up though, and the subwoofer became really quiet. I went through a lengthy RMA process which cost €40 for shipping, and finally got a replacement sub on Tuesday. I plugged them in and they sounded great. I thought everything was fine.

Then on Wednesday when I listened to them again, I got the same problem I had been experiencing before - the bass from the sub had all but disappeared. I'm pretty sure I'm not going mad and hearing things - I remember the sound of the bass and put the sub on the second setting. Now when I have it on level three and the bass control for my X-Fi on 100%, I'm still getting very little. Surely the floor should be shaking with settings like this? I get a fair bit of pretty distorted bass from the satellites, but very little from the sub.

What kind of settings are the Aego M users here using? And when you put your head up to the subwoofer, what do you hear? I just hear a faint rumbling.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I found that the sub isnt that loud, no where near as loud as or bassy as my creatives 250D's. But the sound quality is brilliant, I like the lack of base.
The sub has plenty of bass.

Obviously both the X-Fi drivers and sound in control panel should be set to 2.0/2.1 speakers.
Is the windows volume control and any volume control in your audio app maxed out?
Is the bass slider in the windows volume control > advanced button alright? (AFAIK the very centre is where it should be)
Are there any bass-killing equalizers set in your audio app or the X-Fi drivers?

Download that and play it on loop. If you can't physically feel the bass slapping your hand in front of the sub at high volume then something is definitely wrong.
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Thanks for the advice.

The sub seems to have suddenly come alive for some reason! I turned the computer on today and was pleasantly surprised to hear some thumping bass greeting me :D I'm not sure what happened, but I'm not complaining. Hopefully they'll be fine from here on in...
I'm having the same problem here too.

Just got a RMA back today but to my dissapointment the bass was still quiet... then somehow it was excelent again... and now they are quite again. :( If this is what i'm having then i i'm not holding out much hope for your set.

Is this a problem that AE is working to fix or are we just unlucky?

When its working these speakers cant be beat, it would be a real shame to have to switch because of this.
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Hmm, that's kind of worrying. I really hope they don't go on the blink again - they just sound so damn good when they're working. I might send AE an email about the problem since I really want to keep using them.

By the way Colossus, have you tried using an mp3 player or a different source with the Aegos rather than your computer? Mine suddenly started working when I tried this. It was probably just coincidence but it might help to see if there's a problem with your soundcard or if it's definitely the speakers.
as mentioned above. rule out evrything else one by one

Sound card and all the cables

I know whenever i am messing around twith the cabling under the desk i losen the phono connectors that go into the satalites. causes sound dropout etc. worth a look just to make sure everything fits as it should
Spamalot said:
I found that the sub isnt that loud, no where near as loud as or bassy as my creatives 250D's. But the sound quality is brilliant, I like the lack of base.

i've got a set of megaworks 250d's and am thinking of upgrading them to these ... worth it mate?

my bass is terrible , not impressed. a lot of power but sounds crap.
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