AF fine tuning help appreciated.

12 Mar 2004
So I've noticed that some lenses often focus a bit behind my subject resulting in a loss of detail, however contrast af focuses the same objects perfectly. I noticed that in the D7000 menu there is an af tuning section and setting one of my lenses to -15 results in a significant improvement in resolution at all focusing distances I've tried so far.

I've just been crudely taking photos of patterned items like wallpaper etc. to see which adjustment is sharpest, but I was wondering if there is any better way to do this?
That Nikon link, looks like a lowtech version of a device made by Datacolor called the Spyder LensCal which retails for around £45
That's genius! Thanks.

It exactly matches the -15 decision I made based on comparing photographs at different corrections. So much faster than doing it that way!
There are some good charts that you can print off, that is what I use. Set at a 45* angle and I just use trial and error, but also test it shototing at my GF to check that my artificial etsts match natural tests.
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