After a laptop suggestion

22 Aug 2006
Been tempted to buy a laptop for absolutly ages, i need it for college and work on the move unfortunatly. The kicker however is id love to be able to install World of Warcraft on it and game at around 30fps i suppose would be enough.

Looking to spend around 400 pounds. Could probably stretch to 20 or so more but id prefere not to. Seen lots of good value laptops around however most seem to have something like:

Integrated Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator X3100

Tried looking for reviews but to no avail. I want to play wow and the odd game such as max paine and if im REALLY lucky, HL2 +mods. Even suggesting the minimum graphics card required would be a big help as im kinda stuck :(

Any help is much appreciated, i would like order tomorow (friday) :)
Blimey, 400 cant even get you enough to play a 3-4 year old game? Maybe i wasnt clear in the fact i dont want blistering performance at silly resolutions. 1280*1024 1440* (theyre widescreen equivs) at 30ish fps will be fine, the lappy will never be my gaming rig.
Thing is i barely play any games anymore, just college work and wow :( so i know that wont really change. I got starcraft and max paine too! Ill look at the vostro's but i really want it ASAP.

I found these:
Samsung R60+ 15.4"
Dell Inspiron 1525 Dual Core T2330 15.4"

Both valued at £400, and similiar specs (2gb ram, 140-160gb hdd, wireless network)

The samsung i know handles wow to 30fps (my friend has the exact same one), however i dont know about the Intel X3100 integrated graphics in the dell. Any thoughts?

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