After a New MP3 Player

2 Oct 2003
I'm off on holiday in June, which gives me a good reason into looking at a new mp3 player. From the ones i've looked at i think i've narrowed it down to a couple of choices, the 6GB Sony Walkman and the 4GB Ipod Nano.

I like the look of both these players, at the minute i'm leaning towards the Sony one as it looks very nice but i don't know much about either. I've heard the Sony software is hit and miss, and my mate has an older Ipod which the software seemed decent. Can anyone share there views on either product and possibly advise me which would be the better one to get.
i just got the 20gb version of the sony and its gorgous am loving it so much some people have had trouble with the software side of it put i have put 10gb of music on it and had not one bit of trouble i think most of these people are mac users imho :p
First argument that springs to mind is:

Itunes Vs Sonicstage

Unless they have changed sonicstage since i used it with my minidisk then i despise that program, but i would still take it over itnes probably.

Out of the two its the sony for me, becasue of one reason, Sony players are probably the best i have ever heard for sound quality, dont get me wrong the nano is OK, but not nearly as good as any sony ive heard. The nano will be smaller by a fair margin, but considerign the sony is small it makes no difference to me personally. I also find the screen a touch too small on the nano, Apple have tried to cram too much information onto it, and it looks cramped IMO.

Ive got to say it, have you looked at the Iriver H10 as another option?
I've used Sonicstage for AAC files on my PSP and far prefer iTunes that I use with my iPod. The audio quality from my Video iPod is very good, I have no complaints about it, and in your position I'd get the iPod Nano due to form factor, design, intuitive usage and better software for synchronising music. If you do get the Nano, make sure you get a protective case, the screen is easily scratched.
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