After an xbmc (tablet) based solution

25 Jul 2003
...or Kodi as it is now called!

I want to get a very small, ideally tablet based, solution that will allow me to use my current xbmc setup in another room. I'm trying to find a small (ideally micro) amplifier that might do the job, but can't find one with any hdmi input, and I thought that getting a tablet with hdmi out might mean that the sound quality is better than using the headphone socket to split a single channel to two.

I want to avoid the need for yet another htpc, monitor, etc.

Hopefully thats clear...any ideas?

I guess something like the Sonos Connect:Amp sounds like it would do it, but obviously at a premium. I'd be after a cheaper solution ;).
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It's all stored on a central server, I just wanted a miniturised solution to put in the garden office.

I think I might have to go down the htpc route and use an old mobile for controlling it.

Or as you say use something like, but I'm really not sure what the quality would be like, plus then I'd need to power the speakers somehow.

Hum just had another idea. Try to find an iphone dock that has amplification so I can use my own speakers? Or just get over it and use an iphone dock/speaker all in one (would that even work? If I used a jailbroken iphone with XMBC running?). Thats probably the easiest solution but not one I necessarily want! is basically the perfect solution but sooo expensive.
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